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arrowMore information about the history

Image: Tranchot 1818/19, detail, Königswinter

The old Königswinter – today known as the old town – has its location on the river and at the foot of the famous Drachenfels to thank for its prominence. The beginnings of the town stretch back to the Middle Ages – a place fortified by moats and ramparts, including palisades.

Image: Depiction of the Königswinter old town (middle of the 20th century)

The town layout from the Middle Ages has been retained almost completely up to the present day: through traffic is routed along Hauptstrasse as far as the pedestrian zone and Drachenfelsstrasse is the direct link between the banks of the Rhine and the hill. Small lanes running at right angles to Hauptstrasse give the town its grid-like structure.

Image: Hauptstraße 419

Except for just a few remains, there is nothing left of the Medieval structures today. The main reason for this was the major fire in 1689 which destroyed almost all Königswinter’s old buildings. Only a few of the old half-timbered houses survived the blaze – such as the one at Hauptstrasse 419.

Image: Hauptstrasse, Königswinter, around 1900

arrowPractical information

More information on the history of the region is available at the Siebengebirgsmuseum, which also provides guided walks and tours of the town
Siebengebirgsmuseum Königswinter, Kellerstraße 16
Tue–Fri 2 PM–5 PM, Sat 2 PM–6 PM, Sun 11 AM–6 PM, Mondays closed > Website

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