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here's a tutorial on getting the original windows 98 screensavers like 3d pipes without trusting a random screensaver site

don't worry you won't have to install it in an emulator or anything, that would be insane

step one

download the windows 98 disc image from here at winworld

step two

use 7-zip file manager (or anything else that can open an iso and old windows .cab files) to open the .iso file.

navigate to the win98 folder in the iso and open WIN98_52.CAB

step three

copy the ss[name].scr files to your c:\windows\system32 directory

step four

stylish pipes



i love computers sometimes

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in reply to @platinumtulip's post:

the xscreensaver project is pretty cool, and there's apparently a windows version too (which I haven't tested yet, I currently use wallpaper engine's screensaver mode on windows)

i can't find a windows port that's remotely up to date, because apparently he's a weird bitter hypocrite about it! talkin a big game about how he objects to microsoft's business practices and ethics, but he has official ports to google and apple's at best equally evil mobile OSes. wish he had the honesty to just be up front that it's exclusively a personal grudge because, as he mentions, he worked at netscape when ms did the internet explorer thing!

if you have a link to a windows port more recent than ~2015 i'd be interested, a couple of these are interesting looking.

i don't have cmake/msvc energy today i think but thank you, i hadn't noticed. also lmao the releases are source code only anyway!

also thank you for like. not taking it upon yourself to defend that guy, i was sorta inflammatory tonally and i appreciate you just tanking that because i did not actually want to get into a conflict about it. sorry about that.