Dirty Bomb Phantom Cosplay

(hungryUser) #1

Hello there! You all can call me Reginald Gickington, and I’ll be making the first ever cosplay of Phantom! I’m going for a bronze variant, and am aiming to get it done by the end of October (though I may run a bit over). At this current time, I’ve finished the mask, gloves, sword, and started work on the shoulders and torso.

What you can see there is the mask.

Until later!

(Herr_Hanz) #2

all i see is floating eyes, and floating hair.

good job.

(hungryUser) #3

Reggie here, with another update. It’s not much, but it’s everything I have so far. http://i.imgur.com/8h0M4qm.jpg

(The_N00Ba) #4

keep working on it. :slight_smile:

(Your worst knifemare.) #5

Now all you need to do is steal buy something so it can turn invisible.

(hungryUser) #6

Reggie here! Bit of a glamour shot of the sword, if you’ll pardon the crap lighting. I’m finishing the shoulder pads tonight, so expect to see a photo of those soon. http://i.imgur.com/acmv25q.jpg

(hungryUser) #7

Reggie here! Without fail, here are the shoulders! http://i.imgur.com/HP5hyxI.jpg I realize that’s one shoulder, but I couldn’t snap a photo and hold up both shoulders, so take my word that they’re mirrors of each other.

(RazielWarmonic) #8

Cool seeing your progress! Keep it up, can’t wait to see the final product!

(sgtCrookyGrin) #9

Do you have a sexy front?

(hungryUser) #10

Reggie here! I do indeed have a sexy front. Now for the latest I’ve accomplished: The Belt

I got a new sewing machine for my upcoming birthday, and decided to whip up the belt, leading to this bad boy! http://i.imgur.com/BfHox0t.jpg

(hungryUser) #11

Reggie here!

Having a lot of fun with the new sewing machine, I’ve made the first leg pad, and the knife holder + stripes will be attached within a few hours. http://i.imgur.com/6Ghsmzr.jpg

(The_N00Ba) #12

nice… can’t wait to see everything put together.

(Your worst knifemare.) #13

Hopefully you are able to finish before halloween

(hungryUser) #14

Eh, probably won’t be, but I’ll miss it by a week or two.

(The_N00Ba) #15

Well there is always Christmas time… :slight_smile:

(Boory Marks) #16

@The_N00B Imagine walking up to peoples houses and asking for candy on Christmas,lol.

Anyways, @hungryUser , I’m excited for the rest!

(BananaSlug) #17

i am suprised that there is actual cosplay made, i was expecting just a picture of wall

(The_N00Ba) #18

don’t worry I am sure he is going to show off the cloaking device he made as well…

(hungryUser) #19

Reggie Here! This isn’t so much an update as a status report. Basically… this is everything I’ve got done, about as wear-ing as possible (still have to put shoulder straps on, I’ve been lazy on the front). Also, sorry if it turns out sideways. Here you go though!

As you can see, it’s very close to being finished, seeing as I’ve got my black jeans and shirt to go underneath (which I wasn’t wearing in this photo). Kneepads I’ll order online, boots I already have somewhere… Biggest project left is the side skirts, the pads on the side of the legs. Those and the neck guard.

(The_N00Ba) #20

I think it is looking pretty good. I think it is a good idea you are ordering/acquiring some of the parts. How long do you think it will take to finish the other parts you need?