2005_11_cadavers.jpgThe NY Times has a good summary of issues surrounding the human cadaver exhibit that is opening up at the South Street Seaport this weekend. (See? They take the fish away and bring in dead bodies.) Basically, the controversy is whether or not the bodies for BODIES: The Exhibition were legally obtained: All the bodies are from China, where the law runs fast and loose, with some groups suspecting the 22 bodies on display may be those of prisoners. And as our readers explained to us, this is not the more "credible" bodies exhibit, Body Worlds, which opens our eyes to the competition in that small niche of body exhibitions. Charmingly, BODIES medical adviser tries to sell the exhibit as a "scared straight" option, as there are "lungs blackened by smoking and a brain damaged by a stroke." Go to this show before lunch...or maybe after... or if you want to go on a diet, perhaps.

Tickets are $24.50 for adults, $20.50 for seniors (over 60), and $18.50 for children (12 and under), which is expensive, but when are you going to see a bunch of bodies hacked up and put on display, short of getting into med school? You can buy tickets in advance here.

Photograph from the NY Times, which has a slideshow of the exhibit