A Walk In The Park exhibition by The Irish Patchwork Society and Northern Ireland Patchwork Guild

A Walk In The Park exhibition by The Irish Patchwork Society and Northern Ireland Patchwork Guild

in News

The Leitrim Design House are delighted to showcase 31 quilts by the Irish Patchwork Society and Northern Ireland Patchwork Guild.

“A Walk In The Park” is this year’s ‘Hands Across the Border’ exhibition of the Irish Patchwork Society and Northern Ireland Patchwork Guild.

“Hands Across the Border” is a joint collaboration started in 1991 and held every two years and is showcased North and South of the Border during the year. The choice of theme and the organisation of the exhibition alternate between the Irish Patchwork Society and the Northern Ireland Patchwork Guild.

This year, 2023 NIPG are hosting it with the chosen theme  “A Walk in the Park”. The initial exhibition took place north of the border at the Curved Gallery, Bangor Library in May. The exhibition has since travelled south for August Craft Month to the Limerick School of Art and Design.  

We're delighted these incredible quilts have made it from lovely Limerick to lovely Leitrim. There are 31 quilts in the collection which have been curated into three groups of ten which will be shown over successive weeks from Monday  23rd October to Saturday 11th  November. Each quilt is 20 inches by 40 inches and many materials and techniques have been used in their creation. We hope you enjoy the varied interpretations of the theme “A Walk in the Park” and the range of artistry on show. 

As part of the exhibition, a free patchwork demonstration will take place on Saturday 28th October from 12 - 3pm, there's no booking required, just call in to meet some of the members.