US News

Jeb Bush: ‘Hell yeah,’ I’d kill baby Hitler

WASHINGTON — Jeb Bush is a proud proponent of pro-life positions, but he’s found one person he’d have killed: Adolf Hitler.

The GOP presidential contender said Monday he would kill a baby Hitler in his crib if he could somehow go back in time.

An emailer posed the question to Bush and he answered it before a camera when asked again by The Huffington Post.

“Hell, yeah, I would!” the former Florida governor said. “You gotta step up, man.”

The strange question wasn’t completely random. It was first posed in a poll by The New York Times Magazine, when a plurality of respondents said they, too, would kill baby Hitler if they could before he turned into a murderous Nazi leader.

Bush, a Catholic, is against abortion and has said his faith has also given him pause about the death penalty. But for Hitler, Bush didn’t hesitate.

“It could have a dangerous effect on everything else, but I’d do it — I mean, Hitler,” Bush said with a shrug.