3.A04 | Fall 2008 | Undergraduate

Modern Blacksmithing and Physical Metallurgy


The workpiece and punch are moved to the corner of the anvil, over the pritchel hole


When you are close to punching through the material, place the piece over the pritchel hole.

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The workpiece and punch are moved to the corner of the anvil, over the pritchel hole
Alt text:
The workpiece and punch are moved to the corner of the anvil, over the pritchel hole.
When you are close to punching through the material, place the piece over the pritchel hole.
Credit: Image courtesy of MIT OpenCourseWare.
The workpiece and punch are moved to the corner of the anvil, over the pritchel hole.

Course Info

As Taught In
Fall 2008
Learning Resource Types
Image Gallery