Urology Austin

Urology Austin has a medical supply division that offers our foley and intermittent catheter patients the convenience of obtaining their supplies through our practice. This services allows us to offer provider recommended, high-quality supplies, while simplifying each patient’s ordering process. We appreciate you considering us as your supplier and want you to know that patient care and satisfaction comes first. If you have questions about the program, your order, or would like to get started, please contact Urology Austin’s dedicated team at 512-862-9842.

What is Catheterization?

Intermittent self-catheterization is a simple procedure that empties urine from the bladder. If the bladder cannot be emptied through normal urination, it can be done by the use of a catheter. This process can be performed at home, at work or when traveling, such that quality of life is not restricted. The following sections will describe male catheterization, female catheterization, and foley catheter care. When using any catheter, it’s important to learn how to properly insert the device, as well as care for it. The goal is to create a simple and safe routine that ensures comfort while avoiding the possibility of infection. Consult your clinician with any questions.

Male Catheterization

Be prepared by gathering your supplies and washing your hands with soap and water. Avoid touching the tip of the catheter with your fingers and be careful to not touch other surfaces. Relax and take your time.

Step 1

Wash the tip of your penis before catheterizing. If you are uncircumcised, gently pull the foreskin back and cleanse. You can catheterize in a variety of positions. You will find the position that is best suited for you.

Step 2

Carefully open the package. Whether you are using a standard catheter or a water activated (hydrophilic) catheter, follow your provider and manufacturer instructions for use. For hydrophilic catheters, be sure to burst the sterile water packet before opening the package.

Step 3

Hold the catheter in your dominant hand and the shaft of your penis in your non-dominant hand. Hold your penis up towards your stomach and gently pass the tip of the catheter into your urethra. Note: if using a coude tip catheter, ensure the “curve” or “marking line” is facing up.

Step 4

Slowly advance the catheter into your urethra until urine begins to flow. If you meet resistance, try taking a deep breath, coughing or passing urine, as this can help ease insertion. When urine begins to flow, point your penis down into the toilet or collection container.

Step 5

When urine flow stops, slowly remove the catheter. If urine flow resumes, pause until this is complete to allow all the urine to drain out. Pinch the end of the catheter to contain any urine within the tube, then fully remove from your body. Dispose of used catheters in the waste receptacle. Do not attempt to flush the catheter down the toilet! Wash your hands when finished.

Female Catheterization

Again, be prepared by gathering your supplies and washing your hands with soap and water. Avoid touching the tip of the catheter with your fingers and be careful to not touch other surfaces. Relax and take your time.

Step 1

Wash your labia (from front to back) with soap and water or cleansing wipes, if preferred. You can catheterize in a variety of positions. You will find the position that is best suited for you.

Step 2

Carefully open the package. Whether you are using a standard catheter or a water activated (hydrophilic) catheter, follow your provider and manufacturer instructions for use. For hydrophilic catheters, be sure to burst the sterile water packet before opening the package.

Step 3

Using the pointer and middle fingers of your non-dominant hand, spread apart your labia to reveal the urethra. This is where you will insert the catheter. Using your dominant hand, gently and slowly slide the catheter into the urethra. Do not use force. If needed, you can cough or gently “bear down” to expose the urethra if not easily visible.

Step 4

As you slowly advance the catheter into your urethra, urine will begin to flow. Insert the catheter another inch if possible. Allow the urine to drain into the toilet or collection container.

Step 5

When urine flow stops, slowly remove the catheter. If urine flow resumes, pause until this is complete to allow all the urine to drain out. Pinch the end of the catheter to contain any urine within the tube, then fully remove from your body. Dispose of used catheters in the waste receptacle. Do not attempt to flush the catheter down the toilet! Wash your hands when finished.

Foley Catheter Care

A foley catheter is a sterile, tube-like device that is placed into the bladder to help drain urine. The tip of this catheter has a small balloon filled with a solution that helps secure it within the bladder.

Caring for the foley catheter

  • Clean your genitalia, specifically where the catheter inserts, twice daily.
  • Ensure the catheter is secure to avoid tugging or pulling it out of place. If you were provided a securement device, make sure it’s connected correctly.
  • Your catheter should always be a “closed system.” It should always be connected to a drainage bag to prevent the introduction of bacteria.

Caring for the drainage bag

  • Empty the urine from your bag into the toilet every few hours. It is best practice to empty it when it is full. Do not let the bag get overly full, as the weight can create pressure, which can be painful and can cause the bag to burst.
  • Keep the drainage bag below your waist. This ensures the urine is draining into the bag and prevents backflow into the catheter. Make sure the catheter bag does not rest on the floor.
  • If changing between a leg bag and overnight bag, gently disconnect the bag from the catheter. Wash your hands frequently when working with the bags.
  • Clean the drainage bags as directed or as per manufacturer instructions.

Important Information

The above are general instructions and may not apply to your specific condition. Please call us immediately if you are experiencing any of the following conditions:

  • Persistent bleeding
  • Fever or signs of infection
  • Are unable to pass the catheter
  • If your foley catheter falls out or if you have been hydrating but no urine flows into your drainage bag

Printable Use & Care Instructions

DMEPOS Supplier Standards

The products and/or services provided to you by Urology Austin are subject to the supplier standards contained in the Federal regulations shown at 42 Code of Federal Regulations Section 424.57(c). These standards concern business professional and operational matters (e.g., honoring warranties and hours of operation). The full text of these standards can be obtained from https://www.ecfr.gov. Upon request, we will furnish you with a written copy of the standards.

Fitting & Warranty Info

 Fitting the product relates to selecting the appropriate French size according to each individual patient’s urethra and/or anatomy. Warranty is not directly applicable for these supplies, as they are not reusable goods.  However, patients may request a return for up to 14 days for any reason, and defective products can be exchanged at any time.

Patient Consent

 To obtain a copy of your patient consent form, please contact us at 512-862-9842.

Contact us if any of the following occur:

  • A change in your mailing address.
  • A change in your insurance coverage.
  • A change in your contact information.
  • A change in your supply needs.

Complaint Resolution Protocol

At Urology Austin, we adhere to the following protocol when documenting and resolving your complaints. We document your complaint within our electronic medical records. The information we document is as follows:

  • Beneficiary name, address, telephone number, and health insurance claim number.
  • A summary of the complaint, the date it was received, the name of the person receiving the complaint, and a summary of the actions that are taken to resolve the complaint.
  • If an investigation was not conducted, we include the name of the person making that decision and the reason for the decision.

We will follow up with you to communicate the actions taken to resolve your complaint.

To contact us regarding a complaint about your medical supplies, please call us at 512-687-1978.

Please be advised that your physician may have ownership in this medical supply division. You are not obligated to use this service through Urology Austin.