You are currently viewing 5 IDEAS FOR A TABLE PLAN

If you haven’t planned a wedding before, then it’s incredibly easy to underestimate the task of creating a seating plan, let alone deciding on how to display this on the big day. Once you’ve got your seating plan all sorted (look out for an upcoming blog on seating chart tips!) it’s time to get creative and create something that allows your guests to easily find their seat. Generally, this would be displayed just before entering the room and typically tends to be a board propped up onto an easel, displaying your table layout and your guests’ names accordingly. But you can really get creative and have something unique, do it yourself or find some of these amazing options online!

A simple and popular way of elevating your seating chart is to get a large mirror and hand write the table and each person’s name onto each section. It provides a great photo opportunity, whilst also being a little different to the standard sign. You can tweak this even further and even add in a combination of mirrors, one for each table and spread them out accordingly, with the addition of some flowers alongside. You can either hang this on a wall if the venue allows or prop up on the floor against the wall with some decorative candles and floral arrangement.

Another idea is to collect either glass candle holders or some acrylic boxes and write names on to these to create a stack of your table numbers. The beauty of these is that you can fill them with whatever you like! If you want to keep it simple with lit pillar candles or even scatter some flowers in that tie in with your centrepieces, the ideas are endless! You can even keep them plain and simple, and they look just as good! You can use a whole trestle table for this and stack the boxes however high and again use some decorative candles and flowers to create a really pretty set up!

One idea which proves to be very popular is top “Take a shot and take a seat”. This works by having one wall as such, with smaller ledges allowing you to create lines of miniature bottles of any chosen shot! Each shot has either a name and table tied around the neck of the bottle, or a cute little label on the bottle, stating the right information. This can be personalised to you as well, if your favourite shots are tequila, like they are here at Ross & Ross HQ, then pop tequila in all of them! Or even do a combination of his and hers favourite shots, the ideas are endless!

Another similar idea is to have flowered scattered across a printed sign or across a table, all in little bud vases with a guest’s name tie around the neck, this telling them their name and which table they are on. This can be incorporated into your centrepieces on the day, but also gives your guests a little something to take home with them too! This also looks stunning and can even double up as a flower wall and allow your guests to take photos by!

Finally, a very personal idea, you could do a board or a string wall of photographs with each guest. This is such a personal touch and really shows how you appreciate each guest and makes them feel honoured to be part of your day. Each guest gets to look for a photo of themselves or maybe even with either or both bride and groom and take this with them as a reminder of your special day, whilst also reminding them of a special memory you may have shared together. You can even go a step further and add in a little personalised message behind the photo to make it even more special!

There are simply hundreds of ideas on how to display your table plan, I could go on forever! But hopefully this has given you a few ideas on how to create something a little bit different and personalised to you!