Today marks the two-year anniversary of Brian Cowen becoming Taoiseach.

Mr Cowen has said that the work of the Government has been about taking the decisions that were necessary in the face of the biggest crisis in modern times.

When asked about suggestions that he comes across as a reluctant Taoiseach, Mr Cowen said he did not want to comment on stereotypes that people create.

He said that he is in the job for one reason and that is to lead the Government in making the decisions that are necessary for our times.

While these are not immediately popular, he said, there has been a turn in economic growth with the European Commission now estimating that growth here could be 3% next year - twice the European average.

Mr Cowen said he absolutely enjoys his role as Taoiseach, which is a very important and dutiful job. He also said he is very grateful for the support of his colleagues.

Asked about his low standing in opinion polls, Mr Cowen said the Government has another two years to run before a General Election.