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A Challenge Enigma solution and treasure location in Assassin’s Creed Mirage

Solve this Abbasiyah district Enigma puzzle

Assassin’s Creed Mirage A Challenge Enigma clue Image: Ubisoft Bordeaux/Ubisoft via Polygon
Jeffrey Parkin (he/him) has been writing video game guides for Polygon for almost seven years. He has learned to love just about every genre of game that exists.

“A Challenge” is an Enigma in the Abbasiyah district in Assassin’s Creed Mirage. Enigmas are two-part puzzles scattered around Baghdad. The first part requires finding a collectible — a cryptic message or drawing — that leads you to the second part — a treasure, like a dye or a talisman.

Our Assassin’s Creed Mirage A Challenge Enigma guide will tell you where to find the Abbasiyah district’s A Challenge Enigma clue and then where to find the treasure.

According to our testing, by the way, you can’t just head right to the treasure: You have to find the Enigma clue before getting your prize. If you try to dig up the treasure without having the clue in your inventory, it simply won’t spawn.

If you’re looking for other puzzles, our AC Mirage Enigma locations page can direct you to more — including Find What I Stole, Left Behind, and The Gift.

A Challenge Enigma solution and treasure location

Assassin’s Creed Mirage map with A Challenge Enigma and treasure marked Graphic: Jeffrey Parkin | Sources: Ubisoft Bordeaux/Ubisoft via Polygon

The A Challenge Enigma is located in the Abbasiyah district, near the House of Wisdom. Solving it rewards you with the Black Rostam dye.

A Challenge Enigma location

You’ll find the clue a little southeast of the House of Wisdom in the Abbasiyah district to the west of the Round City district.

Assassin’s Creed Mirage overhead shot showing the location of the A Challenge Enigma Image: Ubisoft Bordeaux/Ubisoft via Polygon

The clue is on a balcony under a large tree near the southwestern city wall.

Think yourself an intellect?
Then try to find my hoard.
Turn east from where the learned observe
The Ram, the Scales, the Gourd.
Seek out the isle where waters split
And once you’ve dared to ford its banks
You’ll find that at my flanks
Wheels churn, therein is stored
What once stood proud
Now felled and cowed
That scriveners might record
Look within my walls and win
An Intellects reward.

The “learned” the clue mentions isn’t referring to the House of Wisdom, but the Observatory across the river to the northeast. Most of the rest of the clue is just saying “paper mill” — you might’ve seen the loading screen tip about how important paper was.

A Challenge Enigma solution and treasure loaction

Assassin’s Creed Mirage overhead shot showing the location of the A Challenge Enigma Image: Ubisoft Bordeaux/Ubisoft via Polygon

Due east of the Observatory, you’ll find several mills complete with huge waterwheels — you’re looking for the one on the southwest side of the island.

Assassin’s Creed Mirage Basim on a ledge behind a waterwheel Image: Ubisoft Bordeaux/Ubisoft via Polygon

Behind the waterwheel, there’s a barred window, but you can see through it. More importantly, you can throw a dagger through it — specifically at the barred window to the left. Climb inside, and you’ll find the Black Rostam dye in a vat of pulp in the corner.

For more Assassin’s Creed Mirage collectibles, consult our guides on finding Mysterious Shards, Gear Chests, Dervis’ Artifacts, and Lost Books. You can also take note of how long Assassin’s Creed Mirage is.

The next level of puzzles.

Take a break from your day by playing a puzzle or two! We’ve got SpellTower, Typeshift, crosswords, and more.